To equip our children with the Armour of God as found in Ephesians 6:11-18 so that they are fully equipped for all good works in Christ Jesus. We have a vision that each of our children will be a shining lamp in this world, pointing those that are in spiritual darkness to the Light of the world which is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
John 1:4 – In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Mark 10:14 – Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them .But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”
Based on the scriptures above, we believe that children’s ministry is important in our Church. We acknowledge that we are given the responsibility to raise our children in Godly ways according to the Scripture.
We encourage our children to have a personal relationship with God and find enduring joy in the love of Jesus Christ whilst serving God. It has been said: ‘Todays Children, Tomorrows Leaders’. Referring to this spiritually, we say: ‘Today’s children are pillars of our church in the future’. Therefore, we as a Church are committed to teach children in the scriptures so that they grow up finding favour in the eyes of God and man. Our prayer is that our children are a blessing to our nation and the world.
Children aged from 3 to 16 are encouraged to join in Sunday School. Children are allocated in different classes based on their age, the main divisions are as follows:
- Primary Section
- Junior Section
- Senior Section
Our Sunday School teachers are trained and well-equipped with the Word of God, they have dedicated themselves to this royal cause to glorify our Lord. The activities that take place, depending on children’s age, during Sunday School include:
- Puzzles and Colouring
- Memory Verses
- Bible Stories
- Systematic, Comprehensive Coverage of the Bible
- Bible Quiz
- Worship and Music
- Prayer and Meditation
We believe that the Sunday School Ministry is all about helping and guiding children of different ages to experience Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour in their lives. The Sunday School curriculum is based on the Bible and the lessons are prepared in line with the Word of God through fun activities such as songs, skits and stories. In this way, children are encouraged to learn the Bible and know the Lord in a friendly and fun-filled environment.
Parents attending our Church have committed their children to the Sunday School Ministry allowing the Children to get inspired by the Word of God every time they attend the Sunday School Sessions. Parents are excited to bring their children to Sunday School because they know that their kids will learn from God’s word making them feel more proud when they find out their young ones are putting the Word in practice which in turn brings glory to God. As Apostle Paul commended young Timothy in the Bible, our children are highly appreciated for their steadfastness in applying faith in day to day life.
Annually, we as a Church aim to conduct a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children during their holidays with interactive and exciting events based on various bible themes. This event is open to the community to allow all children to come and partake in the event and get to know each other.
We have confidence that our Sunday School ministry is helping children in better character-formation and that it lays a strong foundation in their lives that is pleasing to both God and men.